Judges Matter. Choice Matters. Join me and Senator Becca Rausch April 26th.

Hi Everyone,

Nothing has underscored how much judges matter than the revelations that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been the beneficiary of billionaire right-wing donor Harlen Crow, who serves as chair of the  American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank that regularly files amicus briefs with our Supreme Court on cases where they have an interest in the outcome.

Harlen Crow not only treated Justice Thomas and his wife to lavish trips and vacations, he bought the house Justice Thomas' mother lives in and made improvements to the property. Justice Thomas, consistent with his Supreme Court decisions finding against financial disclosure, failed to disclose any of this. He did all of this while publicly stating, "I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that."

Judges matter. Whether it is a federal judge in Texas handing down a decision to keep the abortion pill mifepristone unavailable for doctors to prescribe as appropriate, or a state judge right here in Massachusetts who will not say they support the right to choose, every single judge matters.

Every legislator matters too. That's why I'm so proud to join State Senator Becca Rausch at a joint event on April 26, 2023. We can always count on Senator Rausch to do everything possible to support and uphold the right to choose. She knows judges matter, and she knows every elected official at every level of government must be 100% pro-choice, like she is.

Thanks to everyone who has already sent an RSVP and donated! I am really looking forward to seeing all of you. It's not too late to be part of what will be a wonderful, informative, empowering event. Come join us!

Take Care,



First It Was Clarence Thomas. Now it's Neil Gorsuch. Come Talk Choice and Justice This Wednesday in Weston at 5:30 with Senator Becca Rausch and me!


Pro-Choice, Pro-Justice, Proud to Join Sen. Becca Rauschfor a Joint Event in Weston!