Debate Showdown, the Next Generation, and Finding Me on the Ballot (Kinda Important, Kinda Tricky)

We have just over three weeks to go before the primary on September 6th. Mail-in voting has already begun, and early voting begins on August 27th. I know you know my name, Mara Dolan, but you’ve got to find it on the ballot. Your ballot will not say “Governor’s Council” anywhere. It will read simply, “Councillor”. Here’s a pic a friend sent so you can see for yourself!

I have great news for all of us. Young Democrats are coming on strong. They are informed, they are active, and they will not be stopped. They are going to transform this country and make us stronger. That’s why I am so honored, and happy, to have earned the endorsement of the Young Democrats of Massachusetts! We will announce four more big endorsements this week, so stay tuned.

Image of Ballot for Mara Dolan
Mara Dolan endorsed by Young Democrats of Massachusetts
Mara Dolan lawn sign

The first debate has been held, broadcast, and posted online for all to see! Moderator Bill Beyer and BCAT News did a great job. You’ll see me talk about why my experience as a public defender is essential to the work of the Governor’s Council, how I will NEVER vote yes to confirm an anti-choice judge, and how the incumbent voted the wrong way on clemency for Deanne Hamilton. In the debate, the incumbent denied voting no. But here’s the NECN story where she made her intentions very plain. That’s where my experience comes in. I would have known that Deanne Hamilton was an excellent candidate for clemency. Fortunately, there were enough votes for clemency and today Deanne is doing beautifully. But we can’t put anyone else through that. As Governor’s Councilor, I will call for the adoption of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Task Force on Clemency recommendations. No one should have to wait indefinitely to find out whether they will get a hearing, wait indefinitely for their hearing to go forward, or have to proceed without an attorney to represent them.

Lawn signs are springing up everywhere! Let us know if you’d like some too. I love it when supporters tell me they have seen a sign, and when they send me pictures. Here’s a gorgeous pic sent from a supporter that I think evokes August in Massachusetts in the best of ways.

The League of Women Voters debate is scheduled for August 25, 2022 and I will send you the link to the livestream as soon as I can. WCA in Watertown is also hosting a debate, on August 22, 2022 and we'll send you the link when it's up.

Mara Dolan on a Zoom Meet and Greet

With all the endorsements and support coming in, including this great group organized by Eileen Zalisk, it would be easy to feel over-confident. But I know our toughest opponent is ignorance. We will win when we make sure as many voters as possible know we can elect a pro-choice Democrat to be the first public defender on the Governor’s Council. Your contributions will go a long way. Please give all that you can. The difference we will make in lives of the people who go through our court system will be impossible to measure, and worth all the time and money we can contribute to make sure we win.

Take Care,



Toiling in Obscurity No More, the Governor's Council is HOT! More Big Endorsements, and Debate Watch Parties!


The Tipped Scales of Our Judiciary, Standing Up to the Heat, and the Great Debate!